Welcome to York Woods!
The Regular YWCA Board Meetings will be held at the Village Hall's West Wing Conference Room at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday evenings as scheduled below:
- February 13, 2025
- April 24, 2025
- July 10, 2025
- September 25, 2025
The Annual Meeting & and a Regular Board Meeting will be held in the West Wing Conference Room at 7:00 p.m. on:
- Thursday, November 13, 2025
There have been several burglaries in the area again. Please note the Police Posting that can be found under NEWS to assist in protecting you and your neighbor.
For further information click the link below.
Dear Residents of York Woods,
Sending an update on the Drake PUD proposal. The discussion regarding The Drake’s application at the Planned Development Commission (“PDC”) Meeting has now been moved to June 22, 2023 at 7:00 pm. The request has been made by The Drake, and the Village is waiting for more information and/or changes from the developer.
There is a group of York Woods residents who have volunteered and read all of the current information presented. They are working on specific areas to address at the meeting whenever it is held. If you have a question you can send it to me via the York Woods website or Oak & Dale. Be sure to place in your email subject line - Drake Concern. I am the liaison from the Board with this committee and will share it with them. Currently the proposal has had one known change. The swimming pool has been eliminated from the place it was first proposed and being replaced by a waterfall feature.
If you have knowledge in the PUD process and/or legal expertise, your help would be appreciated.
Cindy Groh
Previous Meeting Announcements
On April 6, 2023, your YWCA Board approved revised governing documents. These three documents have been posted on the DOCUMENTS page of this website. Click on DOCUMENTS on the MENU to the left, and it will bring up the screen where you will see Under the Mission Statement these 3 new documents for review. Your Oak & Dale Management Company will be sending out a notice to residents explaining the next steps for approving these governing documents.
The March Planned Development Meeting (PUD) on the Drake Hotel Residence has been postponed and will be continued at the April 27th Planned Development Commission Meeting. Reason: John Simpson, Drake lawyer, stated he needed further direction from the Board of Trustees.
The following letter had been written by your HOA President Cindy Groh about a very important meeting of the Planned
Development Commission on Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Village Hall regarding the Drake Oak Brook Resort. expansion:
--A road/curb cut at the entrance of Dover Drive in front of our north York Woods sign
--Residential condominiums
--Swimming pool
--Banquet hall
PLEASE READ this letter and prepare to ATT
03-02-23 Letter to Residents re. Curb Cut
Drake's Invitiation:
Drakes Community Development Meeting Notice 3-2023
Diagrams are attached below. Click to open to either view or print.
Drake Hotel Condo and Curb Cut Expansion 2023
The purpose of the York Woods Community Association is to support the mission of York Woods, as stated under the 1962, Declaration of the Protective Covenants. York Woods, located in Oak Brook, IL, is a high end community with a blue-ribbon school district, near upscale shopping including Oakbrook Center and the Oak Brook Promenade, located across from two area golf courses (Oak Brook Golf Course and Butler National) and near dozens of fabulous restaurants located in the surrounding area. York Woods residents have the opportunity to be affiliated with the park district which has Fitness, Aquatic, and Tennis Centers and supports programs for preschoolers and seniors. An LA Fitness facility is also nearby. York Woods is convenient to downtown Chicago and 20 minutes to O'Hare and Midway Airports via its easy access to toll roads and expressways.
For additional information on our local government and schools, area hospitals, and places of interest in our community, please access the Oak Brook Portal
Updated Listing of Board Meeting Places:
All 2023 Board meetings will be held on Thursdays EXCEPT for the January meeting which will be on a Tuesday. All meetings start at 7 p.m.
Schedule of Board Meetings:
TUESDAY, January 10, 2023
(2nd Tuesday)
VILLAGE HALL (West Wing Conference Room)
Agenda is under News!
Thurday, April 6, 2023 (1st Thursday)
Village Hall (West Wing Conference Room)
Thursday, July 13, 2023
(2nd Thursday)
Oak Brook Park District
Thurday, October 12, 2023
(2nd Thursday)
Oak Brook Park District
To send suggestions or information to the York Woods Board, please use this email address: YorkWoodsCA@gmail.com